About Me

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I am now 49 am also an Amazon Associate. When I started this blog, I was 37. My wife and I have 4 kids between us. Three kids are grown and on their own. The last one at home is now 17. We still have two dogs; they are Tucker and Timber. We also have 13 chickens.

Monday, June 6, 2011


So I talked a while back about smoothies being very beneficial for me. Obviously when you throw fruits or veggies in a blender it breaks them way down. In my situation with Crohn's it allows me to get nutrients that I may otherwise have trouble with. Here are some smoothies that I came up with the last few days
 Sunday: Strawberries, Banana, and Spinach with vanilla yogurt, a little milk and RAW protien. I don't really measure anything out.

Monday was: Raspberries, Kiwi and Spinach with vanilla yogurt, and a little milk. I also add ice to all smoothies.
                                                                                                          Of course at the center of it is......

This smoothie maker rocks!!!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Time to get Focused

Since vacation, we have been slacking in the fitness area. Now that sports schedule has slowed down some, Melissa and I can get refocused on our routines. For me, dealing with Crohn's is much easier when I am active and eating right. For her its about self esteem. As much as we enjoy taking walks together, we each have our own plans. Melissa mostly enjoys cardio, for me I need cardio and strength.
 Today I hit the weights. I need to be more aggressive in achieving muscle failure. I'm never going to be a bulging mass of muscle and don't really want to be. I am more for high reps and toning. As the weather stays nice, time outside is critical. I have wood to split so that will be a goal, plus it mixes up the same old same old. I may set up stations outside for an added twist. Putting the time into fitness helps keep stress low and I feel more productive.
 Everybody has their own ways of staying grounded and happy. Some its crafts and art, some its social media, some its church, some its music, some its a mixture of all of the above. Its all about living life to the fullest and enjoying it along the way. So what you enjoy.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Well, before my recent vacation, I went to my doctor for the follow up to the E.R visit. He agreed with me that now is not the time for Prednisone. This makes me very happy. Vacation went well up through Friday before we came home. I wasn't having any problems. I had a half of a flank steak at our elegant inner .I believe this is what gave me some issues. We had steak again the first Tuesday we were home. That gave me same pain issues almost right away. It hung with me for a few days. I'm still having little pain issues but nothing major.

 I have not been working out or as active since being home. I also haven't been making smoothies as much. So bottom line, I need to get back to it. Doe exercise really help? Do smoothies really help? I believe that smoothies really do help. Everything is already broke down so it makes digestion that much easier. Also, it may be time to limit steak or try very lean cuts. If I have to become a fish and chicken man that's fine by me.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Its War!

Last week Tuesday I went into the E.R for what I thought might be an appendix issue.Turned out it was a Crohn's flare, which I figured but wanted to be safe. At the end of the visit, the E.R doc with the help of a GI doc decided to prescribe Prednisone, I want no part of this steroid. I do not think I need it. So this made me very unhappy. Note: I have not gotten the prescription filled.
 Fast forward to Sunday. As I googled "how to cut an avocado". I ran across something in an article. The basic message was to prove out the need for vegan diets. There was a statement in there that got me to thinking. Generally it suggested that there had been an increase with Cancer, Crohn's, Ulceratvie Colitis in people that eat cooked high fat and high protein diets. I to some extent agree. I think it mostly comes from genetically engineered meats and things. That is just my feeling, I have no proof.
 This got my wheels turning big time. I have a friend at work the suggested sometime ago to try Raw Protein powder to give my body a more natural way to recover from my workouts. Raw Protein is completely organic with the protein coming from numerous sprouts and things.The one thing he said that stood out that it has probiotics. What are probiotics you ask, and am I glad you did. Probiotics are basically the good bacteria in your intestine that help support your digestive system. From what I have read Crohn's patients that have inreased their probiotic intake have had reduced symptoms. I did not say cure but reduced symptoms. This starts my mission and it is war!
 So far it has only been three consecutive days since committing to this self trial. Each day I have had the Raw Protein in smoothies, that have had included, strawberries, blueberries, black and raspberries, bannana, kiwi, apple or any combination, I also add yogurt and splenda. I have had reduced pain, more energy, less bathroom visits, just overall better feeling. Tuesday I had some pain after dinner but I think that was because of broccoli. It was fine Wednesday morning. I am taking my Imuran also. Again this is just three days of results, I will continue this mission. It is not my intent to give false hope. It is my intent to prove there is hope away from to many medications. I will post another update after vacation.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Working Out

So, work has been terribly busy. To the point where I come home very frustrated and stressed. Don't get me wrong I am thankful we are busy. Its a good problem to have. Anyhow, I have felt the need to manage that stress in a positive way. Its nice to read when I can relax but I can't read when my stress is out of control. So that leaves working out.
 It used to be I had a handful of workouts I like to do. It starts to get old after a while. Now I've taken those workouts and incorporated the Bowflex (resistance) with dumbbells (dead weight). At pretty good weight (100 lbs resistance) 25 lb(dumbbells) amounts and I try to get more than 10 reps per set for 3-4 sets. I found that I hit muscle failure much quicker. Sometimes I will throw in fast paced med ball exercises between sets. This keeps my heart rate up and blood flowing. See I have so much pent up energy by the time I get done I feel good about what I just did.
 As far as cardio goes, every other day, it has been treadmill programs and increasing the speed to challenge myself. Sometimes its the recumbent bike with programs and pushing hard with it goes to high resistance. I haven't been able to put together full weeks. I'm starting to become ok with that because it is Christmas and because I am older and don't want to over do it.
 I try to keep motivated with custom playlists on my Ipod. I don't listen to angry music, it gives me a headache. But upbeat, high energy tunes. There are points in some songs that give me that extra boost when I need it. At cool down I will listen to classic guitar, or light Christian music. This helps me to reflect a little bit and appreciate everyone around me.